26 July 2009

the KING is traveling incognito

16 July 2009

15 July 2009

Antibody Surrogates
make lab-on-a-chip blood testing cheap and easy.

14 July 2009

Next Generation Antibiotics
Two talks on Ted: here and here.
Compare and contrast presentation styles. There will be a test!

13 July 2009

Cheap At The Price
if we could just sweep all the failures off the market
Ginger is good for nausea and most other "alternative cures" are bunk...

12 July 2009

10 July 2009

Zoom in.

TV and movies make it look easy, now a new approach makes it real.

07 July 2009

Artificial Nerve Cells
to communicate with the body's natural nerve cells via neurotransmitters.

05 July 2009

Every day in every way I'm getting dumber and dumber
(positive mantras can backfire)

04 July 2009

What doesn't kill me makes me stronger
And something that made me stronger can kill me
...suggests "a functional potential for these [cancer causing] mutations."

03 July 2009

Sometimes an idea just clicks
I sense a summer camp in the making...

02 July 2009

Men: Want to avoid having kids?
Have less sex!

01 July 2009

Here's one for all the bird brained art critics:
you could be replaced by a pigeon...

30 June 2009

Think Longevity research is batty?
"Scientists find a biological 'fountain of youth' in new world bat caves."
Hint: It's about protein folding...

29 June 2009

Analysis of the running mechanics of bilateral amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius reveals...

27 June 2009

Remember so-called "Smart Drugs"?
Would one that works as Nerve Growth Factor in the brain count?

26 June 2009

Hearing is Believing
Acoustical imaging of structures within the body (or a building, or a bridge) just got sharper.

23 June 2009

Tools integrated into "body image"
does this apply to calculator watches?

22 June 2009

All In Your Head Dept:
Non invasive neurosurgery "sounds" like a good idea.

Built To Crash
NASA's LCROSS to impact Lunar Surface
visible to earth telescopes
10-to-12 inches and larger.
wanna bet they time it so it's visible from the US?

20 June 2009

Plants communicate with nearby "clones" to warn of danger.

“volatile cues are required for communication among branches within an individual sagebrush plant. This observation suggests that communication between individuals may be a by-product of a volatile communication system that allows plants to integrate their own systemic physiological processes.”

17 June 2009

16 June 2009

23 February 2009

King of The Year After That
is taking a hiatus.

See ya in May!

21 February 2009

The most luminous events in the sky
are invisible to the human eye. If we could see them, we'd go blind in the gammarays:
Come on, it's a singalong song!
In the gammaraaayyys!

19 February 2009

Inching toward quantum computers:
This tech seems like a quantum leap in that arena, otherwise I'd pass on it as just another "quantum computers are coming!" hype-o.

Tho I'm not going to try to explain what it is or why I think so here...

18 February 2009

4 Year Plan: Find Another Earth.
Billions of Earthlike planets likely in this galaxy.

17 February 2009

Maybe all that stem cell research REALLY WILL cure Parkinson's....

While this breakthrough can diminish demand for "fresh" fetuses.

16 February 2009

Popin pint-sized wheelies in your
room-temperature nanocar
: steering may be issue...

15 February 2009

Not your sensei's paper cranes:
Two-fisted nanorobots create DNA origami with 100% accuracy.
Creators aim at DNA computing.

14 February 2009

Out-of-the-box "seeing machines" for the blind developed by visually impaired poet at MIT.

13 February 2009

How high is your tolerance for your own ignorance?
What if the universe is both beautiful and incomprehensible? How much are you willing to bet on your own intuition?

12 February 2009

Published one year ago, tomorrow:
Genetic breakthrough supercharges immunity to flu and other viruses

11 February 2009

The Journal
Television and New Media turns 10.

Are you living in a HOLOGRAM? Graig Hogan, co-discoverer of "Dark Energy" thinks he has
evidence that you are.

Possible "new era in fundamental physics."

10 February 2009

The Experiment Must Continue! A generation after Milgram, Americans (almost) as likely to torture if someone carrying a clipboard tells 'em to.

09 February 2009

Wear Your World: in the palm of your hand
Snap photos by framing them with your hands, dial a virtual phone, get all Minority Report on your ass.
MIT's Fluid Interface Group unveils prototype, TED lecture link to come...
photo: Erik Hersman / Flickr

08 February 2009

Forget that jack-in-the-back-of-your-neck, future computer/brain interfaces grown from neurons.
Elisha Moses: let my neurons grow... in 2D matrices etched on glass.
so far: various logic gates, diodes oscillators...

07 February 2009

Eat the corn you grow. Biofuels from stalks, straw, leaves...
New techniques create biogas from cellulose. Goobye food shortage?
  • "...30% more biogas than conventional facilities..."
  • turnaround time reduced up "to 70%"
  • converting to electricity via fuel cell with "overall efficiency of up to 85%"

06 February 2009

Teach your children well.... Even those inheriting dumbness genes can overcome them, and pass on this ACQUIRED TRAIT to their offspring!
(dumbed down, here)
Epigenetics, anyone? Maybe educating children improves generations yet unborn..
Sound like an OK ROI to you?

05 February 2009

Lesser Known Effects of Global Warming: Big Fucking Snakes.
Quote: "Scientists have long known of a rough correlation between a period or epoch's temperature and the size of its poikilotherms [cold-blooded creatures]"
this 1.25 ton monster requires an average of only 3 degrees (fahrenheit) warmer than current avg.

04 February 2009

Where wisdom, information and communication become the common coin, what happens to the doctrine of scarcity on which our old world, now dying, was founded?


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